Help fund a girls day at the spa! Cloe flew 5666 miles to visit me in Belgrade Serbia!!! We desperately need a spa day and some girls time! Were hoping to get a massage and our nails done, thens spend the rest of the day at the spa and finish the night off with a girls dinner...and drinks of course!;D Help fund the spa treatments, food, drinks, and day away from cam so we can have some much needed girly time!:) *ps we will have a special girls spa day snap chat story!:) if you contribute 500 tokens - Access to the special snapchat story , and 1 free wheel spin 1000- Access to the special snapchat story, 2 personal snapchat pictures, 1 video, and 2 free wheel spins 3000- Access to the special snapchat story, 2 personal snapchat pictures, 5 video, and 4 free wheel spins
Token Goal
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All 221 Albums, 5 Recordings, 9 Collections, 10 Items, 13 Clubs, and 3 Polls contribute to this Goal.
Death202284 7833 Tokens
MrAshtober 4611 Tokens
Boon_420 100 Tokens