If you don't have any plans for New Years, let's celebrate it together by throwing an intimate party in a cozy welcoming hotel room. To make it happen we need to reach this goal by the end of the year 2022. - Contributors of over - 2500 tokens- will have a voucher reserved to the New Year Club Party -Contributors of over - 5000 tokens- will receive a short memorable video of our time together in the New Year Club Party ( + free entry to the Club ) - Contributors of over - 10.000 tokens- will receive 1 hour private date ( before / after the party) and an Exclusive Personalized Photo Gallery ( + free entry to the Club ) Let's end 2022 in style, and start 2023 with positive vibes !
Dec 20, 2022
Dec 31, 2022
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Dec 31, 2022.
You can send IntruderRorry a Share Tip!
Anonymous 3800 Tokens
SilverFox4Rry 3060 Tokens
arrrr32 2805 Tokens
bigggtex41 2600 Tokens
Anonymous 200 Tokens
DSClarke 165 Tokens
T3chn0Ronin 100 Tokens
s0l1th0m 28 Tokens
Anonymous 25 Tokens
Anonymous 15 Tokens