The past few years have been the best i have ever had , i did amazing on here , because of you , i have had the best room , most fun and entertaining, i been so blessed… and then, i got pregnant and had my baby, the sparkling of my life and of course my life priority changed, so I didn't work anymore, just from time go time . Long short story, something happened and our Tax officials have all the payments from mfc and other platforms where models work, videochat is not fully legal in here, its why i personally, avoided to pay or say something anywhere , so i never thought this horrible days will come, especially now that I dont even work just veeeery sometime . I will have a huge amount to pay, from past 6 years. Yeah, they calculate like this i don’t know why, or how is this even possible, many of you told me you guys pay on max 3 years behind … Any support and help will be amazing, as i will pay some big amount each month for a few years by now and on. I can’t pay all the amount. It’s impossible for me. Thank you so much for any little tip ! I am so grateful for anything as i always been! ☀️
Token Goal